What Stage Is Your Child?
0-3 Months
-May raise head and chest while on tummy.
-Opens and shuts hands.
-Pushes down on legs when feet are on a firm surface.
-May swipe at dangling objects and may grasp and shake hand toys.
-Can start to follow moving objects with eyes.
-Recognizes familiar objects and people at a distance.
3-6 Months
-Rolls from tummy to back
-Pushes up with straight arms when on tummy
-Leans on hands to support herself when sitting
-Reaches to grab a toy
-Closes lips to show they are done eating
-Knows familiar people
-Likes to look at self in a mirror
6-9 Months
-Can raise themselves to stand
-Moves things from one hand to her other hand
-Sits without support
-Enjoys making sounds and knows that they have made them
-Turns towards you when you call their name
-Begins to try some ‘solid’ foods
9-12 Months
-Start to walk by themselves
-They can drink out of a cup with a spout without help
-They start to feed themselves
-They will smile and babble
-They start to know that when you go away you’ll come back again
-Start to know what they like and don’t like
-They now understand ‘no’
Oral Health
A lot of parents wonder when oral care should begin for their child.
Click on this link for further information.
Wellness Visits
Staying on top of your child's wellness visit's are very important. Seeing your pediatrican regularly will help you determine if your child is hitting all their milestones. If not, intervention is key. Here are some links below that are helpful if you are concerned with your child's development.
Maryland Family Network
Kennedy Krieger Institute