Health & Safety Throughout The School Year
Blooming trees and flowers are beautiful but it is a great reminder that it is time for seasonal allergies. The pollen count is high and the constant rain causes mold both indoors and out. Alternaria, Aspergillus, Cladosporium, and Penicillium are a few types of mold that cause allergies. We advise you check your weather app to see the pollen count and try to give your child an age-appropriate medication to limit their symptoms.
Temperature Changes
Insect Repellants
Cleaning Chemicals
There are many triggers for Asthma. If your child is experiencing wheezing or shortness of breath take them to see a specialist. If your child has been diagnosed with Asthma make sure to have their rescue inhaler on their person at all time.
Rhinovirus causes roughly 50% of all common colds. This virus spreads easily. Simple protocols such as washing your hands and not touching your face really go a long way with this virus. Please montor and make sure your child is clear of any/all symptoms before returning to daycare/school.
Lyme disease
Deer Ticks thrive in spring weather. However, these tiny creatures can cause massive problems. Lyme's Disease is a very serious illness, if left untreated can cause lasting damage. Preventive actions are the best way to fight against these types of ticks. Using tick repellant and triple checking your child when leaving wooded areas are a must. Be vigilant for signs of Lyme disease, including a bull’s-eye rash. If you notice this rash, take your child to their doctor immediately. Without antibiotics permanent damage can be done.
Conjunctivitis can be bacterial, viral, and or even allergic in etiology. The bacterial and viral forms are both highly contagious. Also known as “pink eye,” conjunctivitis is most common among children and is easily spread. Wash your hands often and do not touch your eyes. We required the child be on topical antibiotics for 24 hours before returning to our center.
Unfortunately, the flu does not stop with the warmer temperatures of spring. In fact, flu viruses do well in humidity. Hand washing is your best friend! If your child is experiencing flu symptoms, keep them home! Please montor and make sure your child is clear of any/all symptoms before returning to daycare/school.
These last few years have been grauling, we are all ready to move forward and put COVID in the past. However, it is still very present and mimics a lot of the same symptoms as the flu.
With new strains still showing up we ask all families to take the proper precautions and get tested if you are showing any signs. Our center requires you stay home for 7 days and may return with a negative test.
Hand Foot to Mouth/ Fifth Disease
Hand, foot, and mouth disease is a very common childhood virus. It is also highly contagious. This virus affects infants and children under age 5, but older kids and adults can catch it as well. Sores in the mouth, on the hands, and on the feet are all signs of this illness. If you notice any signs please keep your child home from daycare/school and visit your pediatrician. With this disease we require all sores be scabbed over and healed before returning to the center.